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Skilled Trades

Our mission: To bridge the gap between employers and potential employees through collaboration with other community leaders and programs.



  • Mentoring Program where TCBA members go into local schools and make presentations about how young people can pursue rewarding careers in the skilled trades.
  • Future Builders of America Program sponsored by the Home Builders Institute (HBI) presents a unique opportunity for local high school students to organize into chapters and engage with other students around the state in an annual Leadership Summit
  • Careers in Construction Day held in partnership with the St. Lucie, Martin and Indian River County schools to present career exploration and training for young adults who have chosen the the skilled trades industry as their career path.
  • Careers in Construction Week where TCBA members connect with individuals who have developed their skills through various high school, technical college, and college training programs in a week long training opportunity.

Executive Officer Deb Frazier or Past President and Skilled Trades Committee Chairman Jim Brann of The Porch Factory

TCBA In The Community

Working To Find Your Next Skilled Tradesman

St. Lucie Public Schools (SLPS) and Treasure Coast Builders Association (TCBA) continue to grow the pipeline for students in the Skilled Trade fields.

Members of TCBA met with teachers and school administrators at Port St. Lucie High School to plan for the school year. Contact the TCBA office if you are interested in our Skilled Trade programs and initiatives. 

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